Monday, August 11, 2008

Book trading and the web

I hate selling books online because I'm never sure what to set the price at so someone will buy it. Otherwise, the book sits there and never sells.

I have found a great alternative, it's called book swapping. There are many different book-swapping sites, but the one that I found and like is BookMooch. It is totally free to sign up and use. Other book-swapping sites are free, but leaning towards charging a fee. John Buckman, the founder, promises that they there will be no fee because there is not need for the site to make money.

The site works on a point system. Within the US, one book costs one point. If you order a book from a foreign country, it costs you two points and Bookmooch give the person a bonus point.

In order to get points, you need to add books to you inventory. Each book is work a 1/10 th of a point. Once you get a point, you can start mooching.

But a word of caution. Your account will be suspended after you mooch several books. The suspension will be lifted once you send out several books and the moochers acknowledge that they received your books.

Here are some statistics on BookMooch. Membership, which has grown to around 74,000 in over 90 countries, is open to anyone and is free. There is heavy community participation in its running and organisation. About 500,000 book titles are available and about 2000 books are swapped per day.

Again, it's great. Check it out.


Wikipedia page

My Bookmooch page

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