Sunday, August 17, 2008

Free Comics!!!

I'm all into entertainment, tech, and old stuff. Thankfully, this blog post will bring all three things together.

I love comic books and I found a place to download comics for free. Golden Age Comics offers public domain comics for free download. When I say "public domain", I mean comics books on which the copyright has run out. Most of this comics were written and released in the thirties, forties, and some in the fifties.

There are many comic names that are now defunct like: Jo-Jo, Congo King, Blue Beetle, Cat-Man, Black Hood, Green Lama, Blue Bolt, Crime Clinic, the Flame, and Black Terror. There even some of the original Captain Marvel's that are copyright free.

Almost all of comic publishers are no longer around.

Here are a couple of tips about using the site. When you sign-up, you have to go to the forum to register. Your downloads are limited on how much you can download per day. You can download 1GB or 1,000 files, which ever comes first. The file size limit comes first because the files range from 5 to 50 mb.

The administrators keep a close eye on the legal status of the comics. They keep a list of what comics are public domain and which are still copyrighted. So there is not legal danger.

Download and enjoy comics without any worries.

Golden Age comics Homepage

Now, of course, you'll need a way to view and read the comics because the files that you download are in .cbr, .rar. and .zip formats. There are several special programs that you can use to open these files.

The best one that I found was ComicRack. I won't go into detail now, but ComicRack allows you to open and catalog you e-comics. The website says, "It is an all-in-one solution to read and manage your eComic library. You can think of it as iTunes for eComics with much of the same functionality."

Again have fun reading free comics.

ComicRack Homepage

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